Multiple Cameras

Stacked Observations

Using the custom_cnn and mlp architecture, it is possible to pass pairs of images from different views stacked along the channels’ dimension i.e of dim (224,224,6).

To use this functionality to perform state representation learning, enable --multi-view (see usage of script, and use a dataset generated for the purpose.

Triplets of Observations

Similarly, it is possible to learn representation of states using a dataset of triplets, i.e tuples made of an anchor, a positive and a negative observation.

The anchor and the positive observation are views of the scene at the same time step, but from different cameras.

The negative example is an image from the same camera as the anchor but at a different time step selected randomly among images in the same record.

In our case, enable triplet as a loss (--losses) to use the TCN-like architecture made of a pre-trained ResNet with an extra fully connected layer (embedding).

To use this functionality also enable --multi-view, and use a dataset generated for the purpose. Related papers: